Monday, November 29, 2010

Insurance broker Neil Cook still helping flood insurance victims

Just over a year ago on the 19th November 2009 the flooding in Keswick in Cumbria took place.
On the 28th November Nick Starling of the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and Neil Cook (in left hand picture) Insurance Broker who works for the Specialist Risks Department of Equity and General Insurance Services Ltd took part in a BCC News studio interview that can be viewed here

One year on people still risk problems of flooding and only last Wednesday 17th November there was severe flooding in Cornwall.

The picture above on the right is of a lady in Keswick. She is badly disabled and was flooded twice the NFF (National Flood Forum) referred her to Neil Cook of Equity and General Insurance Services. Unfortunately she did not have money to buy flood defences. He arranged the insurance and a flood defence company gave the flood barrier free !
The lady wrote to Neil Cook

"I was flooded put in 2004 and the 2009 floods. Both times I lost everything all my memories, pictures, possessions my whole life. Its awful to be flooded its like someone has wiped out your life and existence.

To top it all my insurance company would not cover me any more for flood! Despite the promise insurance companies had made to help flood victims.

I tried everyone and everywhere but could not get anyone to insure me. I was feeling very low by this time with many sleepless nights like so many people across the country in the same position as me, just imagine my shock & horror when I found the out that the flood forum held a meeting at the Keswick hotel to sell flood defences at exaggerated prices they were quoting £3-4000 for defences I knew after I checked several suppliers, were only worth nearer £1000 and wondered why our local flood group leader was not recommending flood defence that are more beneficial to people who need them BUT wondered were the markup on the companies they recommended was going ?!!! It is a total rip off that a charity was behind .
For ordinary people on low wage or benefits what chance do they have the flood group should be for everyone not just the "FAT CATS" who can afford to pay inflated prices but also the cream on top of the prices should not be milked off by the flood group or should the people who in government who fund some of the flood defence grants be ripped off too.

To this end I would like other people to no the real issues

But most importantly I would say a huge thanks to Neil Cook the insurance broker who helped me get flood cover again along with a flood barrier at a premium less than I Paid before because he has a great heart and soul so did not treat me like a real person not just another policy number .

Also I want to give hope to other flood victims or those living in flood plains I hope the flood groups are found out too.

Was stressed but NOW very happy of Keswick

For more information on Flood insurance, visit the Equity and General Insurance Services advertisement page HERE

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