Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Holiday Marketing For Insurance Agents That Will Bring You New Policies
The insurance sector is regulated by the Department of Insurance. I do not have an insurance agent or broker who loves the Board of Directors saw. You can not insurance on the "sale" or a loss, it does not work like that! How to use the marketing frenzy for holiday insurance?
Before I make a killer in a few ways that your phone ringing, I invite you a few ideas, not that you will get to observe things.
Christmas *
* Calendar
* Notebook
Recipe Cards *
No one called her insurance agent, to supply add, because she had a pumpkin pie recipe! Stop as everyone else. Be different, bold and start selling more insurance companies. I invite you to the following methods to obtain more revenue policy during the holidays.
* Letter from vacation - not to do a letter. Send your past clients and prospects with a letter that has a story. The story should not last long, but it must be a "normal" days have gone wrong. Insurance helps in the worst days. to show a link in your story, like a holiday better than a "normal" days, and if something goes wrong (leaking roof, burst pipe, etc.) call them? Do they have adequate coverage for the direct effect? Bring them in pain and let them know that there is a problem.
* E-mail Holiday Video - It may not be complicated. No special software. Just do a simple video camera and YouTube account. Record a video 2-4 minutes on holidays and share a story of a client helped you. No, no sale, so they know you appreciate being able to help. You can make a call (a simple form on your site get them to do so) to act for a "tune-up insurance vacation" at the end.
Holidays are great for insurance agents. It offers a unique opportunity to generate attention and a chance for people to save money when they spend on gifts
How to Become an Insurance Agent
Career choice is one of the most important decisions and largest adult might encounter. To the best decision, people need to take into account the hours, the type of work, and how their personality is a job. If a person likes to help people who have good social skills, communication and competence in the economy, can be a good option to an insurance agent.
Insurance is one of the most dynamic sectors in the United States provides security and decency. The first step in obtaining employment in this sector is to go to an accredited university. At school, the major objective of this study that the insurance companies are looking for economics. Graduates in this area is best suited for people who want to be an insurance agent.
After training is completed, work is an insurance agent on the potential of obtaining a license. Every state in the country has different rules and regulations relating to examination and approval. There are special courses and books, a prospective agent can help you purchase a license.
After completion of training and licensing of an insurance company, the next step will be set. In this new entry-level position, a person will be trained according to society's expectations and guidelines. After training is completed, has completed a person of this process and is now a fully fledged insurance.
Become an insurance agent is an excellent work for those who are helping people to enjoy difficult times. For an agent, obtaining a Bachelor of Business Administration certification and be ready for a period of rigorous training once a job has been reached. After these steps are completed, is a person, they have a great career in the new world of insurance.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Insurance problems after flooding in Boscastle

Ian Cook an insurance broker, from the Specialist Risks Department at Equity and General Insurance Services Ltd sent us this letter from a client.
Hello Neil,
As requested a few lines regarding insurance renewal premium from A.... Insurance.
It was a feeling of total disbelief that I experienced when noting the renewal premium for my building and contents insurance policy, with A.... Insurance, for my two bedroomed cottage in Boscastle North Cornwall.
From a figure of £429 in 2009, the premium had been increased to £2,729.98 in 2010. The figure was confirmed by the broker at the time, C.... D...
C.... D.... were unable to place the cover with any other company on their data base due to my flood claim in 2004.
I then contacted several well known companies direct but to no avail. A visit to an insurance broker in person also failed to yield any success.
Searching the internet I eventually found a link to you at Equity Gi company details, which provided cover for £374.
This process finding you took considerable time and effort to complete with real concern and associated stress, that I was going to have to find a considerable sum of money to meet a totally unexpected bill from a 'reputable' insurance company!
I think it would be helpful if the alternatives to the likes of A... were more visible, to ensure people are aware that their are options available.
I thank you for your assistance. Kind regards, Ian
If you are looking for insurance for your property and are experiencing problems because you have claimed on it because you suffered flood damage or live an area that could have flods, follow this link to contact Neil Cook.
Insurance broker Neil Cook still helping flood insurance victims
One year on people still risk problems of flooding and only last Wednesday 17th November there was severe flooding in Cornwall.
The picture above on the right is of a lady in Keswick. She is badly disabled and was flooded twice the NFF (National Flood Forum) referred her to Neil Cook of Equity and General Insurance Services. Unfortunately she did not have money to buy flood defences. He arranged the insurance and a flood defence company gave the flood barrier free !
The lady wrote to Neil Cook
"I was flooded put in 2004 and the 2009 floods. Both times I lost everything all my memories, pictures, possessions my whole life. Its awful to be flooded its like someone has wiped out your life and existence.
To top it all my insurance company would not cover me any more for flood! Despite the promise insurance companies had made to help flood victims.
I tried everyone and everywhere but could not get anyone to insure me. I was feeling very low by this time with many sleepless nights like so many people across the country in the same position as me, just imagine my shock & horror when I found the out that the flood forum held a meeting at the Keswick hotel to sell flood defences at exaggerated prices they were quoting £3-4000 for defences I knew after I checked several suppliers, were only worth nearer £1000 and wondered why our local flood group leader was not recommending flood defence that are more beneficial to people who need them BUT wondered were the markup on the companies they recommended was going ?!!! It is a total rip off that a charity was behind .
For ordinary people on low wage or benefits what chance do they have the flood group should be for everyone not just the "FAT CATS" who can afford to pay inflated prices but also the cream on top of the prices should not be milked off by the flood group or should the people who in government who fund some of the flood defence grants be ripped off too.
To this end I would like other people to no the real issues
But most importantly I would say a huge thanks to Neil Cook the insurance broker who helped me get flood cover again along with a flood barrier at a premium less than I Paid before because he has a great heart and soul so did not treat me like a real person not just another policy number .
Also I want to give hope to other flood victims or those living in flood plains I hope the flood groups are found out too.
Was stressed but NOW very happy of Keswick
For more information on Flood insurance, visit the Equity and General Insurance Services advertisement page HERE
Saturday, November 27, 2010
More flooding in the south of France

Today 1st November, Nice Matin reported that 50 inhabitants at Villeneuve-Loubet were evacuated because of the risk of flooding. Part of Cagnes sur Mer was also affected.
According to the Riviera Radio website "Authorities are surveying the banks of the rivers Loup and Cagne. In the Grasse area, six properties have been cut off on the chemin du Pilon de la Malle by a landslide. Several hundred tonnes of mud have fallen onto the road and residents have no landline telephones.
The area has had a lot of flood and sea storm damage this year starting on the 1st January, then later on the 4th May and June when flash floods killed at least 19 people.
If you own a property in the south of France do make sure you have proper insurance cover. A policy written in English is a bonus if you are not fluent in French and you can find out more about insurance from Andrew Copeland International and Intasure by visiting this site Here
Of course flooding also occurs on a regular basis in England. If you need to contact a specialist insurance company contact Equity and General Insurance by following this link here
Friday, November 26, 2010
The implications of using mobile payments in a retail environment

So what is the relevance of the recent mPesa announcement that mPesa can now also be used in supermarkets? (Read here). Well, it is because using mobile payments in supermarkets (or formal retail environments) are much more complex and difficult. Much more have to be catered for that does not just exist in P2P payments. Below is a sample of some of the things that one has to consider:
- The system will have to cater for multiple roles in relationship to a retail account. For instance, one would not want the receiver of funds (the till operator) to also have the ability to pay from this account. Some roles will have more functions while others may have to restricted.
- In order to support the way that a retailer works (and when fully integrated with the store automation), one may want the system to support a "pull" payment, rather than a "push" payment as is the case with P2P. This is much more complex to implement.
- The system will have to cater for other types of transactions, like for instance: refund or reversal transactions.
- The owner of the supermarket typically requires more comprehensive management information and the data stored and displayed will have to be developed in such a way that the information available caters for the need of the retailer. For instance, data may have to carry information related to the types of goods purchased.
- Furthermore, if the system is really advanced and architected well, it would already position the automation for future functionality like NFC for instance.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
UK flood damage costs up 200%

The News release went onto say "Britain’s rising flood risk is further underlined today, with figures published by the ABI showing that the cost of flood damage since 2000 has leapt by 200% on the previous decade.
With more people set to be at significant risk of flooding, the ABI is calling on the Government
to ensure that spending on flood defences is targeted to the most flood vulnerable communities.
.One in six homes in England is currently at risk of flooding. Nearly 500,000 people face a
significant flood risk, and it has been estimated that this could rise to 840,000 by 2035
without adequate investment in flood defences.1
ABI’s figures highlight the huge financial cost of flooding:
• Since 2000 insurers have paid out £4.5 billion to customers whose homes or businesses
have been hit by flooding. This is up 200% on the £1.5 billion paid in the previous decade in
real terms.
• Major floods since 2000 have included the 2007 summer flooding which resulted in insurers
paying out £3 billion, the 2005 floods in Carlisle that cost £272 million, and the Cumbrian
floods in November 2009 costing £174 million.
• Reasons for the rise in flood costs include the increased frequency and severity of flooding
in the UK and the growing problem of surface water flooding (the Environment Agency has
estimated that 2.8 million properties are at risk of flooding from surface water). It has been
previously estimated that the total value of assets under flood risk exceeds £200 billion –
more than the current budget deficit.
These figures were released at the ABI’s flood conference “Fighting Flood Risk Together” held
today. At the conference over 100 representatives from the insurance industry, policy makers
and community groups discussed the impact of the Government’s recent announcement of a
cut in flood defence spending, and what needs to be done to tackle the UK’s flood problem.
Speaking at the conference, Tim Breedon, ABI Chairman and Group Chief Executive, Legal and General, said: “Flooding devastates lives and communities. Insurers play a key role in helping those affected recover, but prevention must be better than cure. The recent announcement of a cut in Government investment in flood defences was disappointing, and it is now vital that Government spends its money wisely to bring real improvements where they are most needed.”
Barry Smith, Chairman of ABI’s Property Committee and Chief Executive of Ageas UK, stressed at the conference that: “Millions of customers rely on the financial protection provided by flood insurance, and insurers are determined to do everything possible to ensure this continues. The insurance industry’s flood insurance agreement with the Government, under which insurers commit to offering flood cover to existing customers, expires at the end of June 2013. To ensure flood insurance continues to remain widely available and competitively priced, further investment in flood management is needed when the public purse is in better shape”.
1. Figures on properties at flood risk from the Environment Agency
See also:An Insurance Broker’s Opinion of the ABI Flooding Conference – “Fighting Flood Risk Together”
HomeLet Insurance is trialling Princes Trust Initiative

HomeLet is trialling an initiative that allows employees to take one day’s paid leave per annum to undertake community activities and projects in support of the Princes Trust.
As part of the Barbon Insurance Group, the trial at HomeLet is being offered to all staff as part of the Group’s ‘Give Something Back’ campaign. This commitment to the community has seen 20 applications so far from employees who are looking forward to working with young people at the Trust, with a view to rolling the scheme out across the entire Group.
HomeLet, which is part of Barbon’s highly successful Lettings business, is focused on supporting a growing network of more than 3,000 letting agents throughout the UK, delivering fast, accurate and intelligent references for around one in five private tenants who rent property in the UK.
Managing Director at HomeLet, John Boyle, says: “This partnership with The Princes Trust gives our employees the opportunity to volunteer to support young people who are preparing to enter the world of work. It also gives them the chance for personal development by undertaking training, coaching or even being a buddy to a young person in the office.”
Plans are now underway at HomeLet to match volunteering opportunities to the company’s budding coaches and volunteers and to ensure that they have the correct skill set to take on the responsibility.
CEO of Barbon Insurance Group, Martin Oliver, concludes: “With around one in five young people in the UK not in work, education or training, it is important to support initiatives such as the Princes Trust, which does so much in this area.”
More Information about HomeLet
HomeLet is the UK’s largest tenant referencing, Rent Guarantee and specialist insurance provider for the lettings industry and has around 3,000 approved letting agents nationwide.
HomeLet pays out an average £3m in Rent Guarantee claims every year.
The National Housing Federation recently announced that the average age of a first time buyer has risen to 43.
HomeLet have been shortlisted for the 2010 Landlord & Letting Awards.
HomeLet is a proud partner of the 2011 Estate and Letting Agent Awards
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Commercial Insurance Guides

The four guides cover the following topics:
Insurance to protect your business: An unexpected event - such as a break-in, fire, flood or computer failure - could destroy your business. Insurance can cushion the impact of most risks. But if you are not insured against the risk, the effects can be disastrous.
There are many insurance options to protect your business against the unexpected. Analysing risks and carefully planning your insurance cover can give you the peace of mind that, should the unthinkable happen, the impact on your business will be minimised.
This briefing outlines:
• Insurance required by law.
• Protection for you and your business.
• Common insurance requirements.
• How to buy cover effectively.
Making an insurance claim: For most businesses it is not a case of if, but when. You will probably make a claim on an insurance policy at some stage, be it for a catastrophic fire or a minor theft.
Your insurance policy will compensate you for financial loss. This can include replacements,
repairs and even your lost profits.
But insurance cannot guarantee that your customers will wait while you get your business
back on its feet. You need to minimise the business disruption by ensuring quick and full
settlement of your claim.
This briefing looks at:
• What to do when you suffer a loss.
• How to make a claim.
• What your insurer will require you to do.
• How to speed up the settlement.
• Why your claim may not be met in full.
Managing insurance risks: All businesses face a wide range of risks every day. Careful planning can either reduce these risks to an acceptable level, or eliminate them completely.
While insuring some of these risks is essential, it should be seen as no more than a back-up
to an on-going ‘risk management' process.
This briefing tells you:
• What risk prevention you are required to carry out by law.
• The most common causes of loss or damage, and how to prevent them.
• How to identify the risks your business faces.
• How taking preventative action will affect your insurance policies.
and finally Litigation and insurance:- The cost of bringing or defending a legal action can put serious financial pressure on your business, whether you eventually win the case or not.
You could potentially be sued by an employee, a customer, a supplier or a member of the public. Or you could need legal help to resolve a dispute with a government agency such as HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
This briefing outlines:
• The most common reasons why businesses are sued, including breaches of legislation.
• The most common reasons why businesses sue.
• What you can do to reduce the risks.
• What insurance you can buy to cover the costs of legal actions.
You can view these four most comprehensive guides by visiting http://www.jml-insurance.co.uk/index.php?id=426
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Complaints flood in

Q: Whether insurer responsible for cost of remedying faults in building work carried out as part of a claim for flood damage
A:Mrs C lived in an old mill house which was badly damaged by winter floods, following prolonged rain and storms. She was insured by the same firm for both buildings and contents and she submitted claims under both policies.
The insurer accepted liability and appointed contractors to carry out repairs to the property. After a few weeks, however, Mrs C concluded that the contractors were making unreasonably slow progress. She discussed the situation with the insurer and said she would like to appoint a local surveyor to represent her and supervise the work. The insurer agreed to her proposal and confirmed that it would pay the surveyor’s fee.
During the course of the subsequent works, Mrs C’s surveyor replaced the existing contractors with a new firm of builders. And Mrs C asked for some additional work to be carried out, at her own expense.
As time went on, Mrs C became increasingly dissatisfied – both with the surveyor and with the standard of the building work. When all the work was eventually completed, she hired a different surveyor to prepare a report on what had been done. He identified a number of faults in the building work and estimated that it would cost just under £50,000 to remedy matters.
Mrs C sent the report to the insurer, together with a claim for the cost of putting things right. However, the insurer refused to meet the claim. It said that as Mrs C had appointed a surveyor to oversee the work, responsibility for any faults lay with him. Mrs C then brought her complaint to us.
Complaint upheld in part
It was clear that there were a number of problems with the building work. Some of the faults listed in the report related to the additional work that Mrs C had asked the builders to carry out. We agreed with the insurer that it was not responsible for putting right any defects in this additional work.
However, we said that the repair work relating to the flood damage was a different matter. The insurer had authorised and paid for the work. And it remained responsible for ensuring that the work was completed satisfactorily, regardless of the fact that – with its agreement – Mrs C had appointed a surveyor to oversee the builders.
We said the insurer should pay Mrs C £20,000 to cover the cost of remedying the defects in the work carried out to repair the flood damage.
The section has some interesting situations like:
" insurer refuses to pay claim for storm damage when it discovers that policyholder is serving a prison sentence"
"claim for flooding and damp in basement after exceptional rainfall – whether policy also covered cost of repairing damaged damp-proofing in walls"
" whether problem with floorboards was caused by a relatively recent flood or by rot that had been spreading for some years"
To read the details of those complaints and the decision of the Financial Ombudsman Service you need to visit http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/ombudsman-news/68/68-building_insurance.html
If you need some help - quotes from a specialist insurance broker dealing with Flood damage property - Ex Offenders insurance and more Click Here
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A complete rebranding of ARLA and NAEA?

Dear Editor
I was very interested to read John Pring’s personal opinion in the Sept/Oct 2010 edition of Agreement.
It would appear that within some three years of the NAEA / ARLA “Marriage” there are views coming through that there are too many names under the NFOPP umbrella.
Reading the comments from NAEA members in the Sept/ Oct 2010 edition of the Estate Agent it seems that many members think there should be a change to branding everything under the NAEA or very similar, they are of course estate agents.
I recollect in the 1980’s when I was an ARLA Council Member and was building up the membership, I contacted the NAEA and they provided me with the full membership list (on convenient to use sticky labels) to circulate information about ARLA and increase the membership from NAEA members involved in lettings. At that time the NAEA did not have any input on lettings hence the reason Neville Lee and John Birch established ARLA.
A year or so later ARLA was informally approached by someone from the NAEA suggesting that ARLA should become part of the NAEA. Fortunately that did not happen and ARLA was able to grow in its own rights. The NAEA then set up a lettings division, however the ARLA name was the one that was always the voice of the lettings business in the media.
I like, Paul Weller of Leaders was not in favour of the takeover of ARLA by the NAEA, however the larger organisation won the day. Since then ARLA has benefited from the management framework in Warwick, but most of the separate identity has now gone and even Agreement and The Estate Agent often share the same features. The NAEA is introducing licensing so maybe within a short while the same licensed estate agent would also be a licensed letting agent as well.
The question now is when will there be a complete re-branding? Had ARLA become part of the NAEA back in the eighties the ARLA name would have quickly disappeared. Today there are now thousands of lettings agents in the UK so the task could prove more difficult, however to save costs, will we be seeing the NAELA (National Association of Estate & Letting Agents) within in the next two years instead?
Philip Suter FNAEA, MARLA
It is interesting to see in the same Agreement magazine as my letter that there is a feature on Paul Weller, Managing Director of Leaders letting agents. Paul now runs one of the largest letting agents groups in the UK. A business his late father in law Neville Lee established in the early 1980's after establishing ARLA with John Birch.
I met Neville on several occasions and am not sure if he would have been too happy about ARLA under the NAEA's umbrella. His son in law Paul certainly is not and the article in Agreement says "Weller is a long-term ARLA member, but not an uncritical one. He opposed the merger with the NAEA, putting himself up as the 'no'proxy vote, meaning that members who were opposed to the merger but who could not attend the vote could vote through him.
In the event, one third of ARLA members voted against the merger, and Weller says he believes that were it to be put to the vote again now more would be against it.
He does remain the ARLA fold: However, we do evaluate it every year and look at the benefits he says. One difficulty is that over the years we have drummed into the staff all the pluses of ARLA membership and so it would be very difficult to reverse that culture. However, we are no longer putting staff through Technical Awards, but doing our own training courses"."
I personally have found the "New ARLA" far too bureaucratic and that is a great shame being involved in the UK letting business for more than 30 years.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Scope for flood victims

Affects of the Association of British Insurers member’s failure to abide by the promises they made to victims of floods are draining the economy
It is reported that 300,000 home and business owners were affected recent floods with the repair costs running into billions of pounds
There are still major insurance issues faced by an estimated, 10 million UK, and Northern Ireland residents who have either been flooded or live in the revised Environment Agency flood risk zones.
Mainstream Insurers are either refusing them Insurance cover or applying vast unaffordable premiums with unjustifiable flood excesses. This is a direct disregard and abuse of the ABI pledge to help those affected by flood. That promise is failing to hold any water and would appear to be just a blatant lie.
If affordable cover and excesses and are not offered along with the promise to transfer the insurance cover when the property is sold whole areas of the country will become ghost towns like parts of the southern USA, property will become worthless, mortgages will default businesses will fail and residents will leave.
With Insurance becoming an automated process either being bought via the internet or at call centres manned by staff that may not have vast experience there is very little chance of solving this issue as true underwriting of each risk is not possible so that the vast premiums charged will increase.
The fact that the Internet type policies were offered at unrealistically low rates without checking the EA risk factors of the area did cause severe implications with insurers after Boscastle. This type of insurance sale was never truly underwritten but was based on a cut throat assault to acquire numbers of the policyholders with the potential profits to be made by cross selling insurance products. In short there was never enough premium in the kitty to cover major catastrophes of flood.
We have already seen major banking/insurance institutions crash and have to be bailed out by tax payer’s funds which have severe long term implications to the UK economy.
It has been proven by a number of flood support organisations and specialist insurance providers who actually fight to help flood victims and those in flood zones that ABI insurers will try any trick in the book and are working on a premium cartel basis so there is now hope for the policyholder to get affordable cover.
Q What are the problems faced by flood victims looking for insurance?
ABI insurers will not offer any consistency premiums do vary by house to house or business to business in the same street so spreading fear and illusion so that people find no solution in getting premiums they can afford thus they have to utilise money that would be spent on purchases that will benefit the economy
My house at Bennetts Walk, Morpeth was flooded on September 6, 2008 in exceptionally prolonged torrential rainfall. I had only changed my insurers to CXXXX, underwritten by AXXX GXXs, in January of that year. The claim for restoration came to £96,000. Though I felt this was high, I had little control over it & was on the whole very satisfied with the service given by the Loss Adjuster, Surveyor & the builders.
My cover was renewed on 16 January 2009, with the premium for house & contents increased from £216 (this should have been higher – I'll spare the details) to £398, including an excess of £2500 for flooding. The tone of the letter was reassuring, though I realised they had no option as the claim was ongoing at renewal date.
I was therefore shocked when I received a letter of 10/12/09 saying they would not be renewing my cover as “the value of the claim no longer comes within the underwriting criteria for our low risk policy – apologies for any inconvenience caused”.
I contacted a local solicitor who advised me to check whether my insurer was a member of The Association of British Insurers & if so, to ask why they had withdrawn cover when the Statement of Principles agreed between the ABI & the Government says it should not be. Unfortunately, neither CXXXX nor the underwriters are listed as members.
I obtained a report from the Environment Agency giving flood risk information for the area in which my house lies, which classified it as “Significant – greater than 1 in 75 chance in any year”. Since then, they have announced measures to reduce the risk to 1:115, to be implemented between 2011 & 2013.
Armed with this, I contacted my bank HSBC, where I am a “Premium” customer and obtained a quote from AXXX – cover would cost £1443 per annum with no mention yet how much the excess would be. I had to provide further information such as the EA report, before they could confirm cover. The reaction of the bank’s customer service manager speaks for itself - “disgusting”. I own a modest 2 Bedroom terraced house.
I received a telephone call from a company called HXXXXX – Web MXXXX who said CXXXX had told them about me. I gave them full details of the house, flooding history, claim etc. & they asked me to state how far was my property from the river, it’s height above the river level and to give details of the existing flood defences (there is a wall approx. 4 metres high). I heard nothing further – I felt uneasy as they had contacted me – and didn’t pursue it.
The Christmas holidays were approaching, when businesses would close down & I was panicking – it would soon be January 16th and would I even be able to get insurance, or sell the house in the future? I felt really distressed; it was all happening again.
I rang the National Flood Forum, who referred me to Neil Cook, head of specialist risks at Equity & General, who is actively campaigning for people like myself who are having difficulties obtaining flood cover. To cut a long story short, he has found me affordable cover, £643 pa. with a flooding excess of £2500, on condition that I take steps to protect areas where water got into the house. I have had installed “Smart” airbricks, which keep water out and 2 good quality steel flood barriers for front & back door, which can be put in place in a short time – I had by this time intended to do this anyway.
The door frames had to be modified to accommodate the barriers but a reliable local builder who had done my neighbour’s restoration did this. It cost well over £1000 altogether but has given me peace of mind – well, as much as can be expected.
The whole episode has been extremely stressful – I suffer from intermittent anxiety & depression & have had to resume drug treatment. I realise that I choose to live in an area with a more than average flood risk but what are people living in such areas to do? They cannot all move lock stock and barrel to a lesser risk area - someone has to live in these properties. I appreciate it may cost more but feel it is unreasonable for insurance companies to hold people to ransom & am grateful to specialist insurance broker Neil Cook and others who are fighting to remove the stigma existing at present with flood victims. That is what we are - we’ve done nothing wrong.
Due to these insurers relying on high volume sales they have adopted, rather than the traditional policy method of actual underwriting to ensure sufficient premium reserves they are struggling and forcing vast premiums on flood victims are making retrospective excuses that the EA are now reassessing flood areas as justification to quickly collect more premium from those that have not actually been flooded.
. The problem this causes is that it compounds the confusion of the policyholder by making false promises that they will help flood victims a better solution would be that they pass the flooded or flood affected risks they obviously do not desire and trying to dispose of by pricing the premiums at unjustifiable premiums and excesses to a pool of specialist providers who will offer affordable solutions. It is appreciated that the ABI insurers will be if required remunerated for these leads
Source: Neil Cook
If You are looking for insurance for a property in a flood affected area - Click Here to Contact Neil Cook of Equity and General Insurance services
Scope for ex offenders
There are still major insurance issues faced by an estimated, eight million UK, and Northern Ireland residents who have a current unspent criminal conviction that may stop them starting either a business or going about their every lives thus contributing to society.
Similar issues are faced by bankrupts and those with adverse credit history
Mainstream Insurers are either refusing them Insurance or restricting cover including Employers Liability which is a requirement by Law
For those venturing out with a new enterprise, or still trying to get the correct cover including Public Liability cover, as well as cover for the business assets
Many would be clients of insurers maybe unsure or unaware that there is a DUTY OF THE POLICYHOLDER TO DISCLOSE MATERIAL FACTS THAT COULD AFFECT THE POLICY
For example a MATERIAL FACT that must be disclosed relates to criminal convictions
With Insurance becoming an automated process either being bought via the internet or at call centres manned by staff that may not have vast experience the important issues of disclosing material facts is often never pointed out
The fact that the Internet type policies are offered at perhaps slightly unrealistically low rates without checking on convictions etc is also affecting the Insurance Premium Tax revenue as well
It is muted that insurers may be taking on risks that will be invalidated when claims occur and the conviction is brought to light.
Perhaps this is an explanation as to how those insurers can cut the premiums is that there are a substantial number of the total policies sold that will not pay out in the event of a claim as they can just be invalided due to the conviction. Figures from the Financial Ombudsman Service are indicating a greater number of complaints of this nature
. This matter has been raised with insurance industry via the Financial Services Authority, the British Insurance Brokers Association and the Association of British Insurers But no real action is being taken to solve the problem OF NOT TREATING POLICYHOLDERS FAIRLY
. It has been proven by a number of ex offender organisations that this issue is in fact a reality, either the main stream insurers go out of there way to hide the fact that convictions are to be disclosed or when the policyholder does disclosure they are refused cover or given a poor service .
Q What are the problems faced by ex offenders looking for insurance?
Many ex offenders are unaware that they must disclose any unspent criminal conviction no matter how minor on an insurance proposal form. Do not be fooled, just because an insurer does not ask if you have any convictions, does not mean you do not need to disclose them. Unless all your convictions are declared and agreed in writing with an insurer, any claim against the policy may be refused. You could even be charged with attempting to defraud the insurers for non-disclosure of a conviction and potentially face another conviction.
Anyone who has, or lives with anyone who has, any unspent conviction should always read insurance policies carefully. Be on the lookout for the phrase “DO YOU OR ANY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY HAVE UNSPENT CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS?” Remember it is when you come to make a claim that things can go very wrong.
When insurance cover is cancelled for non-disclosure of a conviction you will be unable to make a claim on the policy.
Q Why do ex-offenders face issues with insurance?
It has long been considered that someone with a conviction is a bad risk, although this attitude has never been proved. It just seems to be an unwritten rule in insurance. A more enlightened approach to insurance not only for ex offenders but also individuals with adverse credit has been hard to find. Mainstream comparison websites have offered little or no assistance in this area.
Q What can ex offenders do to help reduce their insurance premium?
Firstly do not waste money buying a worthless policy without disclosure! Be honest disclosing convictions to the right insurance broker should not cause a problem. Correct disclosure does not always mean increased insurance premiums but it defiantly means you are insured.
Q What do you think the future holds for ex offenders facing insurance issues?
The Financial Services Authority has been aware of the bad practice of unfairly treating ex offenders and other socially or financially excluded groups. Current figures suggest there are 8 million people in the UK with unspent criminal convictions, which consequently affects other family members.
.Due to these insurers relying on high volume sales they have adopted, rather than the traditional policy method of issuing a comprehensive proposal form for the policyholder to complete they use what is referred to as assumptions. A standard statement set that the policyholder should read and understand prior to purchasing the policy. Within this assumption there are words similar to “Neither you nor any member have an unspent criminal conviction” as well as other facts that will affect the validity of the policy.
. The problem this causes is that it compounds the confusion of the policyholder as rather than making clear from the outset that the insurer will not or cannot accept risks where a Criminal or bankruptcy situation is disclosed it is done at final point of sale. Also at that late stage a point the policyholder cannot understand
. A better practice will be making it compulsory with all online/telesales insurance purchased that the “standard statement” is highlighted before the purchase even begins and when the policyholder confirms they do not comply the quote process ceases and they should be re directed to a specialist provider who will cater for them after full disclosure . There was a working party group formed by the consortium of online insurance aggregators and insurers who had this matter on their agenda after regulatory pressure. The group did not last very long and in fact did not ever actively function
. Private sector/ Government departmental misconception
Those organisations working with ex offenders cannot or do not understand the issue actually exists as it is not part of their operating remit or practice
.Public misconception. The public in truth only have a vague understanding of the insurance process ridded with hearsay and miss conception/ urban myths so a great need of re education is needed about DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL FACTS, also that it is possible to obtain insurance with criminal convictions and that importantly when dealt with by specialist providers who are socially aware and are truly ethical.
Also that in truth it should cost the same premium with disclosure as it does without the public fear is that if they do disclose the premium will become un affordable which is in fact should not be the case
The mainstream insurers must be forced to act fairly with clients and cease using public lack of awareness or ignorance as means to sell them worthless cover and be more forthright about the risks they can accept and those they cannot IE ensuring the “standard statement” precludes any cover purchase and that they work with specialist providers who can
There is also a huge need for organisations working with ex offenders to understand the issue so that the correct guidance is given at point of prosecution & rehabilitation
Source: Neil Cook - Specialist Risks Department - Equity and General Insurance Services Ltd
If you are looking for ex offenders insurance find out more Here
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
iPhone, Google and NFC

I did write about the rumours related to Apple's venture into the the NFC space some weeks ago (Read here). I did highlight some of the challenges related to solving a few process and liability problems related to the secure element and personalisation then, so will not dwell on it again. Suffice to just re-emphasise that this whole mobile payment thing is much more complex and difficult to do than other digital stuff - far more difficult.
It is far more interesting to speculate on the strategic intend and approach of Apple and Google with this drive. (I enjoyed a post on technology and financial services with reference to this question a lot. (Read here)). The fundamental question is how these two giants intend integrating into the existing payment eco-system, how they intend changing it and what is in it for them. The complexity of payments is that it is tightly integrated and dependant on many other players. (Just think of the importance of banks (deposit-taking and settlement), regulators (compliance and risk-mitigation), card associations (inter-operability) and retailers (acquiring of payments), to name but a few. It is inconceivable to deploy a payment system without considering the role of these players (and many others).
Many questions remain unanswered: Do Google and Apple intend integrating into this eco-system? Working with the banks or card associations? Who will be their biggest friends and who should be scared of them? By delivering phones with NFC chips in them, what do they think will be the impact of it? Will this enable more people to transact and in when? Where will they make money? and who will loose revenue, because Apple and Google will steal it?
No matter how I dissect these questions, I only get to one conclusion: It is all about iTunes and Google accounts. The plan is that the phones will ultimately become an extension of the on-line experience. This is why Jim Balsillie (CEO of RIM) comment is so interesting: "We'd be fools not to have NFC in the near term ". (Read here).
Homes could be hit with a 'flood tax'
The report says "Millions of homeowners living near the sea or rivers face being hit with a new "flood tax" under controversial coalition plans to plug a £260m shortfall in spending on flood defences"
"The Independent on Sunday has learned water minister Richard Benyon believes the cost of protecting homes and businesses from the elements should be "shared" between the government and those who benefit from defences directly. From April 2012, the government wants to see a new structure in place which combines public and private funding."
"In return for paying the levy – which would be on top of higher insurance premiums already imposed on flood risk areas - local communities would get a greater say in which areas are protected."
See the full story Here
If you are looking for insurance for your property in an area that is affected by flood problems CLICK HERE to contact Equity and General Insurance Services
Flood insurance enquiries at Equity & General Insurance Services
Here is a recent example from earlier in November 2010.
We live in a two bedroomed terraced house in Cockermouth, Cumbria, and are looking for buildings and contents cover.
The property has flooded three times in recent years, in 2005, 2008 and 2009.
A flood embankment is in the process of being built for our street, which it is hoped will eradicate the type of low level flooding experienced in 2005 and 2008. The 2009 flood (which was the worst of the three by some margin) is deemed to be a 1 in 500 year event.
Our current insurer has agreed to cover us for another year, at a reasonable premium of £348, but with an excess of £20,000 for flood damage to the building, and £2,500 for flood damage to contents.
We would like to know whether there are any other options open to us, as we believe the hike in the excess from £0 to £22,500 is completely unreasonable.
Earlier enquiries
October 2010
Contents Insurance £50,000 required at XX XXXX Kenton Devon for ourselves as tenants at the property from 1st January 2011 - approximately August 2011.. We previously resided (as tenants) at No4 from May 2007 - May 2008. On 30 May 2008 the whole area was hit with a flash flood from excess run off from surrounding land caused by a localised cloud burst.
The area or property is not designated as at risk by the Environment Agency. This gave rise to an insurance claim of £28K Contents & £7K Alternative Accommodation which was settled in full. I am able to supply further information and have supporting documentation which confirms original incident and remedial works which have been undertaken as a preventative measure.
October 2010
My home was storm damaged in 2007
My property is a detached 3 bedroom house built in 1938
October 2010
Flood insurance for house that was flooded in 2007 due to flash flooding
September 2010
Buildings insurance cover for a holiday home that was flooded six years ago. Have owned the property for over twenty years and this is the first time it flooded. A high tide coincided with inadequate surface water drainage - more drains have since been installed and the problem has not happened again.
September 2010
House and contents insurance for a home in Morpeth which we are looking to purchase. The house was flooded in 2008 (September). Claim 25k contents and 30K reinstatement.
If you are looking for insurance for your property in an area that is affected by flood problems CLICK HERE to contact Equity and General Insurance Services
Double Whammy for Flood Victims
That’s one of the findings of a survey carried out by the National Flood Forum following the floods of 2007 and 2009. Too many people dealing with insurance companies is more traumatic than the flood itself.
Loss adjusters were slated for being hard to get hold of and not answering calls. In one case a loss adjuster was based in the United States and knew nothing about the UK. Another was flown in from Norway. Builders also came in for a panning for bringing in unskilled sub-contractors.
AXA, Aviva and the Halifax were most criticised for raising premiums and one in ten of the 295 households canvassed on-line had flood insurance excluded from renewal quotes. But, over half of the households said they would stay with their existing insurer.
Mary Dhonau, chief executive of the NFF said: “Some of the stories are heart-wrenching. We need to look at better ways of handling the trauma flooding causes to families and the insurance and building industry need to get their acts together.”
She said the insurance industry resisted supporting flood resilient options when repairing flooded homes, even though many owners said they would pay for the work.
“Raising electrical sockets is one of the simpler solutions,” said Ms Dhonau, “but one in five families were either forbidden to make improvements or told not to bother. And only a few that did saw any drop in their premiums”
Ms Dhonau said the NFF would challenge the insurance industry to develop a longer term strategy. “Insurers shy away from increasing pay-outs to improve flood defences as people are free to change insurers after a year, so there is no guarantee of a payback.
“If insurers offered policies of 18 months and longer, we believe everyone could benefit and four out of five people in our survey agreed,” she said.
Respondents from across the country completed the survey with the majority of people living in Worcestershire, the East Riding, Cumbria and Oxfordshire-Berkshire. The summary of findings is available in PDF format to download here
The BBC News websit is running a story this evening "Cornwall floods force evacuation of more than 100 homes"
More than 100 homes have been evacuated after floods and gale-force winds caused disruption across Cornwall. People were trapped in their cars and homes by the rising floodwaters, which reached up to 6ft (2m) deep in places. St Blazey, St Austell, Mevagissey and Lostwithiel were the worst hit areas. The Met Office said a further 10mm (0.4in) of rain could fall overnight.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Asia: Big scope for microinsurance in several countries
The Philippines, Indonesia and India offer the biggest market opportunities for microinsurance because of their regulatory frameworks, strong cooperative systems and potential risks from extreme weather and disasters such as earthquakes and volcano eruptions, reports Reuters citing Mr Craig Churchill, head of the global Microinsurance Network and team leader of the International Labour Office's Microinsurance Innovation Facility.
He was speaking in conjunction with the three-day 6th International Microinsurance Conference in Manila that began on Tuesday. Around 500 participants are attending the event to discuss the solutions and challenges in microinsurance. The conference is organised by the Munich Re Foundation, Microinsurance Network, the Philippines' Department of Finance, and Georgia State University's Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk.
At present, over 140 million people, mostly in Africa and Asia, are covered by affordable insurance premiums, and studies showed the potential market is up to 3 billion, says the Munich Re Foundation and International Labour Organisation. More than half of microinsurance products are focused on life and health, while less than 10% cover farms.
"We're still at the experimental stage in offering products that could cover agriculture," said Mr Churchill, adding that there is huge potential growth for such products, citing the impact of typhoons Ketsana and Parma in the northern Philippines in late 2009.
Last month, German reinsurer Munich Re said that it would launch a reinsurance project in the Philippines to cover cooperative companies against extreme weather events. That will be the first microinsurance product in the country to offer farmers some protection against typhoons and flooding problems, to which the Philippines is prone.
Mr Joselito S Almario, a director of the Department of Finance, said that microinsurance has a potential Philippine market of nearly 35 million people willing to pay a premium of PHP20-30 (US$0.46-0.69) a week for coverage of up to PHP120,000 (US$2,771) in life and non-life benefits. At present, 14% of the Philippines' 96 million people have insurance, including 2.9 million people covered by microinsurance, mostly as members of cooperatives.
Micro-insurance regulatory framework set
Posted on 02:04 PM, November 10, 2010
Breaking News ( Updated as of 01:54 PM )
A REGULATORY framework for micro-insurance companies will be implemented in January, officials said on the second day of the sixth International Micro-insurance Conference in Makati City.
"The performance standards [regulations] will take in effect by January 2011," said Vida T. Chiong, Insurance Commission deputy commissioner and officer-in-charge.
"This will serve as a guide for the commission and other stakeholders to determine the viability of a [micro-insurance] company -- if it has the capacity to settle claims in the future," she added.
Ms. Chiong said the standards will provide "regulatory space" to micro-insurers with "lower" requirements for putting up a micro-insurance compared to those stipulated in the Insurance Code.
Geraldine Desiderio-Garcia, chairman of the micro-insurance committee of the Philippine Life Insurers Association, said in a lecture at the conference the standards will "formalize existing micro-insurance practices" such as cutting by half the P100-million capital requirement -- the fund to put up a micro-insurance firm -- for commercial insurers.
The standards, currently undergoing fine-tuning by a technical working group composed of government officials and private representatives, will be transmitted next month to a micro-insurance steering committee, headed by Finance Undersecretary Gil S. Beltran,, for review.
The Insurance Commission will give final approval of standards. -- Prinz P. Magtulis
Insurance standards readied
Posted on 08:38 PM, November 10, 2010
REGULATORS are preparing “performance standards” for microinsurance providers to make sure their operations are sustainable and the poor, who are their clients, are protected.
At the same time, they are planning a nationwide financial literacy campaign to increase awareness among the poor about the importance of microinsurance.
Vida T. Chiong, deputy commissioner and officer-in-charge of the Insurance Commission (IC), shared with participants of the 6th International Microinsurance Conference in Makati City yesterday that the performance standards shall serve as a “guide for the commission... to determine... the capacity [of a microinsurer] to settle claims in the future.”
The standards go by the acronym “SEGURO,” for Stability, Efficiency, Governance, Understanding of the product, Risk Management and Outreach.
Microinsurance providers -- which include commercial insurers, cooperative insurance societies and mutual benefit associations -- will be evaluated based on their solvency and level of risk-based capital, among others.
Their performance, in terms of time they take to pay out claims, number of claims they reject, growth in number of clients and growth in premiums, will also be examined.
The standards are currently being fine-tuned by a technical working group composed of the IC, National Credit Council, Securities and Exchange Commission, Philippine Life Insurance Association, Inc. and the Philippine Insurers and Reinsurers Association.
These will be transmitted next month to a steering committee, headed by Finance Undersecretary Gil S. Beltran for review.
The IC will give final approval to the standards.
The plan is to have the standards in place by January 2011 and for microinsurance providers to report to the IC how they performed against the standards by 2012.
“The Insurance Commission shall use the performance standards to identify as early as possible those entities whose financial condition is a concern and recomend appropriate remedial measures, if necessary,” a draft IC circular states.
Meanwhile, Joselito A. Almario, a director at the Finance department, said a microinsurance literacy campaign is planned to start by January.
“It will run from January to June. We will go region to region to educate stakeholders, especially the poor, about microinsurance,” he said.
Modules will be provided during the regional campaign, Mr. Almario said, with stakeholders such as regulators, insurance firms, clients, and even legislators expected to learn “what they can contribute to boost the microinsurance industry in the country.” -- Prinz P. Magtulis
Microinsurance sees growth opportunities in Asia
MANILA, Nov 9 - India, Indonesia and the Philippines offer the biggest
opportunities for the fledging microinsurance industry, which has a potential market of 3 billion people, industry officials said on Tuesday.
Microinsurance offers coverage for people with low incomes, including products such as life insurance, and is branching into areas such as offering farmers polices against extreme weather.
Over 140 million people, mostly in Africa and Asia, are now covered by affordable insurance premiums, and studies showed the potential market is up to 3 billion, the Munich Re Foundation and International Labour Organisation said ahead of a three-day microinsurance conference in Manila.
Craig Churchill, head of the global Microinsurance Network, said more than half of microinsurance products were focused on life and health while less than 10 percent cover farms.
"We're still at the experimental stage in offering products that could cover agriculture," he said, adding there was huge potential growth for such products, citing impacts of typhoons Ketsana and Parma in the northern Philippines in late 2009.
Those typhoons, and Typhoon Megi in October, caused deaths, flooding, landslides, and damage to crops and infrastructure.
Last month, German reinsurer Munich Re
That will be the first microinsurance product in the country to offer farmers some protection against perennial typhoon and flooding problems. Another three groups offer non-life products.
Churchill said the Philippines, Indonesia and India offer the biggest market opportunities due to their regulatory frameworks, strong co-operative system and potential risks from extreme weather and disasters such as earthquake and volcanoes.
About 14 percent of the Philippines' 96 million people have insurance, including 2.9 million people covered by microinsurance, mostly as members of co-operatives,
Joselito Almario of the Finance Department said.
He said microinsurance had a potential Philippine market of nearly 35 million people willing to pay a premium of 20-30 pesos a week for coverage of up to 120,000 pesos in life and non-life benefits.
"It costs them just a pack of cigarettes a day," said Almario, who is also deputy executive director of the national credit council.
The government has set a maximum daily premium of 20 pesos, 5 percent of the daily minimum wage in Metro Manila, for life and health insurance products offering payouts of up to 200,000 pesos for more than a dozen insurers, including rural banks and co-operatives
Microinsurance conference today
Written by Gold Star Daily
SOME of the world's most prominent and ardent advocates of microinsurance are set to convene today as part of a global effort to extend risk cover for the poor and help popularize the practice of financial inclusion in the Philippines where the less financially endowed are often shut out of financial services available to everyone else.
Germany's Munich Re Foundation announced the three-day Manila conference earlier in Munich, Germany and in Luxemburg to boost awareness of the event in a country where fewer than one in seven Filipinos even know what an insurance policy is and what it can do to one's life.
The 6th International Microinsurance Conference will convene at the Hotel Intercontinental in Makati City where some 500 participants from all corners of the world will discuss issues and offer solutions to the challenges facing microinsurance at present. Finance Secretary Cesar V. Purisima was expected to attend the opening of the conference.
Purisima acknowledged the key role microinsurance will play in the lives of Filipinos in the coming years and that with the full implementation of the government's public-private partnership program or PPP. "Microinsurance will be at the forefront of the Philippine government's efforts to provide our low-income sector and the poor protection from risks, providing them the means to rebuild their lives when unfortunate and unforeseen events occur," he said.
The government previously bared plans to improve the country's low insurance penetration rate where only an estimated 13.92 percent of some 90 million Filipinos have insurance cover. Local insurers under the Philippine Insurers and Reinsurers, for example, vowed to help raise awareness about the benefits of insurance cover among Filipinos. pna
A version of this article appeared in print on Nov 9, 2010 Tuesday
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The illusive hyper-growth position
I refer to this high growth situation as the illusive hyper-growth position. In observing what drives these deployments, I am of the opinion it is a combination of three things:
- Getting pricing wrong will kill take-up. It is important to get the fees right - not too low and not too high. Too high prices will chase prospective clients away - often for-ever. Too low prices may lead to transaction volumes that cannot be supported by the platform installed.
- Ensuring that the distribution network are built in line with the roll-out of the product is essential.It is of no use that agents are appointed, but not properly trained. The distribution network must be carefully selected and appropriately equipped.
- The mechanism and content of promotion is very important. The media used and the message will dictate if this is a success or not. It is no of no use to offer a service and then not to tell anybody of it.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Insurance standards readied
Posted on 08:38 PM, November 10, 2010
REGULATORS are preparing “performance standards” for microinsurance providers to make sure their operations are sustainable and the poor, who are their clients, are protected.
At the same time, they are planning a nationwide financial literacy campaign to increase awareness among the poor about the importance of microinsurance.
Vida T. Chiong, deputy commissioner and officer-in-charge of the Insurance Commission (IC), shared with participants of the 6th International Microinsurance Conference in Makati City yesterday that the performance standards shall serve as a “guide for the commission... to determine... the capacity [of a microinsurer] to settle claims in the future.”
The standards go by the acronym “SEGURO,” for Stability, Efficiency, Governance, Understanding of the product, Risk Management and Outreach.
Microinsurance providers -- which include commercial insurers, cooperative insurance societies and mutual benefit associations -- will be evaluated based on their solvency and level of risk-based capital, among others.
Their performance, in terms of time they take to pay out claims, number of claims they reject, growth in number of clients and growth in premiums, will also be examined.
The standards are currently being fine-tuned by a technical working group composed of the IC, National Credit Council, Securities and Exchange Commission, Philippine Life Insurance Association, Inc. and the Philippine Insurers and Reinsurers Association.
These will be transmitted next month to a steering committee, headed by Finance Undersecretary Gil S. Beltran for review.
The IC will give final approval to the standards.
The plan is to have the standards in place by January 2011 and for microinsurance providers to report to the IC how they performed against the standards by 2012.
“The Insurance Commission shall use the performance standards to identify as early as possible those entities whose financial condition is a concern and recomend appropriate remedial measures, if necessary,” a draft IC circular states.
Meanwhile, Joselito A. Almario, a director at the Finance department, said a microinsurance literacy campaign is planned to start by January.
“It will run from January to June. We will go region to region to educate stakeholders, especially the poor, about microinsurance,” he said.
Modules will be provided during the regional campaign, Mr. Almario said, with stakeholders such as regulators, insurance firms, clients, and even legislators expected to learn “what they can contribute to boost the microinsurance industry in the country.” -- Prinz P. Magtulis
Monday, November 8, 2010
‘Three-in-one’ microinsurance product planned
Posted on 10:22 PM, November 07, 2010
REGULATORS want to introduce a "three-in-one" product to the fledgling microinsurance market, capitalizing on the Filipinos’ penchant for cheap, convenient products and to boost protection for the poor.
Tropical storm Ondoy’s damage is cited as spurring the development of the proposed ‘Buhay, Bahay at Kabuhayan’ microinsurance product. -- AFP
Tropical storm Ondoy’s damage is cited as spurring the development of the proposed ‘Buhay, Bahay at Kabuhayan’ microinsurance product. -- AFP
They are still at the stage of finalizing the product, for now dubbed "Buhay, Bahay at Kabuhayan," but already have inquired if they can start developing and marketing it.
"It’s a simple yet powerful product," said Joselito S. Almario, a director at the Finance department and deputy executive director of the National Credit Council, which the Finance department heads.
The product is designed to give P10,000 coverage against death from accident or damage to property/business from natural calamities. One may buy three units for a total coverage of P30,000. A contract is good for a year.
"It’s a composite, a three-in-one," said Mr. Almario, adding that no insurer at home or abroad is known for selling this bundle.
"If something happens to you, an accident and you die, then your beneficiaries get P10,000," he explained. "If your home or business or place of business gets damaged by flood or an earthquake, then you get P10,000."
Regulators, he said, are constantly seeking ways to provide social nets for the poor -- the slowest to recover after personal or natural calamities -- without burdening them with high premiums.
The technical group that is working on "Buhay, Bahay at Kabuhayan" still has to compute the final premiums but these shall hew to guidelines set in Insurance Memorandum Circular 1-2010 that state premiums on a daily basis must not exceed 5% of the daily minimum wage of nonagricultural workers in Metro Manila, which is currently at P404 daily.
The Philippine microinsurance industry is still in its infancy, with the National Strategy and the Regulatory Framework for Microinsurance released only in January 2010.
Yet it is fast-developing. After the IC came out with Insurance Memorandum Circular 1-2010 that defined microinsurance, the agency issued, together with the Securities and Exchange Commission and Cooperative Development Authority, another circular closing down informal insurance or insurance-like activities.
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas also came out with a circular allowing rural, cooperative and thrift banks to market and sell microinsurance products within their premises.
Commercial insurers, mutual benefit associations and cooperatives are now selling microinsurance products, but in singles, not "three-in-one" as contemplated in "Buhay, Bahay at Kabuhayan."
Considered a pioneer in the field of microinsurance, the Philippines will share its experiences during the 6th Microinsurance International Conference that takes place starting tomorrow to Thursday.
Manila is this year’s host of the annual gathering.
Mario C. Valdez, general manager of the Philippine Insurers and Reinsurers Association (PIRA) that groups the country’s 80-plus non-life insurers, claimed that "several" PIRA members expressed interest in the product after it was unveiled during an October 11 association conference.
"Buhay, Bahay at Kabuhayan" will be considered a non-life product.
"They were enthusiastic about it. They said they want to develop it, as it suits their clients’ needs," Mr. Valdez said.
There is demand for this product, he claimed, with many victims of tropical storm Ondoy, which ravaged Luzon last year, regretting not having insurance against calamities.
"With this product, we hope to help the poor get back on their feet," Mr. Valdez said.
"It’s also a way for non-life insurers to expand their market," he added.
"Right now, they are competing for a small market, and the IC will require they have a P125-million capitalization by December. Microinsurance opens up a new market and provides a venue for them to make returns on their additional capitalization," Mr. Valdez said.
The technical working group, headed by the Finance department, targets to launch the final "Buhay, Bahay at Kabuhayan" policy contract before yearend.
Other members of the technical working group are the IC, PIRA, National Credit Council, Philippine Life Insurance Association, Inc. and the Actuarial Society of the Philippines.
The group enjoys technical assistance from the GTZ or German Technical Cooperation.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Acquistion of Rentshield by Barbon Insurance
As of 29th October 2010 Rentshield Direct, Trading as Rentshield Direct Ltd, are now owned by the Barbon Insurance Group Ltd.
Rentshield Managing Director, Gary Abraham comments “This is a great opportunity for Rentshield to benefit from the investment and management expertise of a bigger, well-respected business with substantial expertise in the lettings sector.
Under Barbon's devolved business model Rentshield will continue to operate autonomously from our Devon offices. We are looking forward to being part of the Barbon Group, to having its backing and support and to continued growth in the marketplace.”
Barbon Insurance Group Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. It has a gross written premium of more than £150 million and is committed to delivering innovative insurance solutions, as well as risk management and consultancy services.
It has built an impressive reputation through knowledge, experience and a commitment to understanding its customers’ businesses.
Barbon is wholly owned, through Caley Limited, by leading banks HSBC and Lloyds Banking Group.
Barbon Insurance has other well known Landlord and Tenant insurance brands in it's portfolio including Letsure and HomeLet. If Barbon is going to keep Rentshield separate as it does with Letsure and HomeLet it should mean that they will still be competitive in todays market place. Interesting times ahead.
Barbon chief executive Martin Oliver said: “Although part of our lettings division, HomeLet and Letsure operate as competing businesses. As a result, they have driven up service standards and are now widely recognised as market leaders.
“The acquisition of Rentshield will accelerate our earnings in line with Board objectives, further increase market share and reinforce Barbon’s unrivalled position at the top of the lettings industry.”