HomeLet agents received a mousemat in their post recently. HomeLet the major Landlord and Tenant insurance provider in the UK
The theme of this mousemate is Tenants love HomeLet insurance because of the following:
- There's one easy rate for the whole of the UK
- They help to protect their deposit
- It takes less than 5 minutes to arrange cover
- Tens of thousands of tenants trust HomeLet to protect their belongings
- HomeLet pay out £6 million in claims each year
- Homelet helped 1 million tenants move in the last three years.
HomeLet have made some exciting changes to their popular Tenant's Contents Insurance+
- They have given the literature a brand new fresh look
- The application form for applying for Tenant's Contents Insurance has been simplified and is much easier to fill out.
- They now have a simple pricing structure no matter where a tenant is located in the country.
- Policies can now be arranged six months in advance of the start of the tenancy- this is something that HomeLet has found particularly popular for students, doctors and teachers because they often know where they're going to be living far in advance of starting their job or studies. Most tenancy agreements now include a clause stating that the tenant must take out his/her own insurance to cover the personal belongings and the agent or landlord need to see this before the tenant moves in.
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